Vitality Rolfing LLC
Joseph D. Culhane, Ed.D., CST, Certified Advanced Rolfer™
For those struggling with chronic physical discomfort in the lower back, neck, hips, and feet, Rolfing® Structural Integration has become the modality of choice for a growing number of people in the Fort Collins (Northern Colorado) area. Following trauma from a car accident, a fall, sports injury, or from just being human in gravity our bodies struggle to maintain a healthy structure. Rolfers use a varied degree of pressure to engage a person’s myofascia, viscera, and cranial fascia to assist the body in exploring a posture of ease. Some people may simply notice that through the years of active work and play their bodies have lost healthy levels of flexibility, agility, balance and coordination. Being active longer is a goal we all share. Rolfing can help you regain your body’s natural tendency to be in a more efficient relationship with gravity, allowing you to move with greater ease, leading to a life of vitality and strength.
About Me
I became a Certified Rolfer™ after experiencing the transformational process of Rolfing as a client. For years, I battled lower back pain and eventually underwent four surgeries, the last being an artificial disc replacement in the lumbar 4-5 disc. Though I was able to regain most of the strength I had lost through exercise and physical therapy, I still had a feeling of disconnect in my body. When my physical therapist recommended I explore Rolfing I followed her advice and signed up for a session. It was clear after the first Rolfing session that I had found what I was looking for. It was after the third session when I started to regain a lot of the movement in my pelvis and spine that I had not been able to access for over a decade. Just the feeling of moving from this new place made all of the difference for me.
Education / Training / Background
- Presently, training at the Upledger Institute – Craniosacral therapy & Barral Institute – Visceral/Neural manipulation therapy.
- Certified Advanced Rolfer™, 2021, Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration.
- Certified CranioSacral Therapist (CST-T), 2018, Upledger Institute.
- Certified Rolfer™, 2010, Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration.
- University of Northern Colorado, 2004, Doctor of Education, Sport and Exercise Science, Sport Pedagogy.
- Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom, 2003, United States Marine Corps Reserve.
- Public school educator for 15 years; special education, physical education, adapted physical education, physical education teacher education.